ME 820 Seminar in Evangelization: Applied Historical Perspectives


Course Readings Asbury’s bookstore has ordered the following sources for us: 1. Michael Green. Evangelism in the Early Church, rev. ed. (Eerdmans, 2003) 2. Rodney Stark. The Rise of Christianity (Harper-Collins p. b., 1997. 3 Richard Fletcher. The Barbarian Conversion: From Paganism to Christianity (University of California Press, 1999). 4. Smith, Stout, and Minkema, Eds. A Jonathan Edwards Reader (Yale University Press p. b., 2003) 5. C. H. Spurgeon. The SoulWinner Whitaker House, 1995) 6. Alcoholics Anonymous, fourth edition. The bookstore has also ordered a packet of readings, featuring a. St. Patrick’s Confession b. Selections from Bede”s Ecclesiastical History of the English People c. John Wesley’s “Character of a Methodist” and “Short History of the People Called Methodists.” d. Selected chapters from Charles G. Finney’s Lectures on Revivals of Religion. Robert Tuttle’s The Story of Evangelism: A History of the Witness to the Gospel (Abingdon, 2006) would serve as a marvelous introductory text for this subject, but was not used because of the seminar’s greater stress on primary sources. Tuttle’s book is admirably suited to (say) a course in which the students mainly read one text.

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