MW 605 Religious Studies for Christian Mission I: Judaism and Islam


A. Common Readings: The following books have been selected to give a common foundation to our knowledge: J. H. Bavinck, An Introduction to the Science of Missions . Trans. David H. Freeman. Philadelphia, PA: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 1960. Distributed by Baker Books, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Part two is required reading and is included in your readings packet. Crim, Keith, et al., eds. Perennial Dictionary of World Religion. 1990 ed. Suzanne Haneef, What Everyone Should Know about Islam and Muslims. Chicago: Kazi Publications, 1982. This whole book is to be read by all students. Yehezkel Kaufmann, The Religion of Israel: From its Beginnings to the Babylonian Exile . Trans. and abridged by Moshe Greenberg. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1960. The material to be read from Kaufmann has been included in the course packet. Harold W. Turner, From Temple to Meeting House: The Phenomenology and Theology of Places of Worship . Religion and Society, 16. The Hague, Paris, and New York: Mouton, 1979. Portions of this book are required reading; these portions are included in your course packet. Herman Wouk, This is My God: The Jewish Way of Life. Revised Edition. New York: Little, Brown, and Co., 1997. This book is to be read in its entirety by all students. Zahniser, A. H. Mathias, “Close Encounter of the Vulnerable Kind: Christian Dialogue and Proclamation Among Muslims,” Asbury Theological Journal 49/1 (Spring, 1994), 71-78. This article to be distributed by the instructor is required reading for all students.

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