
An Application of the SS-Functional Calculus to Fractional Diffusion Processes


In this paper we show how the spectral theory based on the notion of SS-spectrum allows us to study new classes of fractional diffusion and of fractional evolution processes. We prove new results on the quaternionic version of the H∞H^\infty functional calculus and we use it to define the fractional powers of vector operators. The Fourier laws for the propagation of the heat in non homogeneous materials is a vector operator of the form T=e1 a(x)βˆ‚x1+e2 b(x)βˆ‚x2+e3 c(x)βˆ‚x3, T=e_1\,a(x)\partial_{x_1} + e_2\,b(x)\partial_{x_2} + e_3\,c(x)\partial_{x_3}, where eβ„“e_\ell, eβ„“=1,2,3e_\ell=1,2,3 are orthogonal unit vectors, aa, bb, cc are suitable real valued function that depend on the space variables x=(x1,x2,x3)x=(x_1,x_2,x_3) and possibly also on time. In this paper we develop a general theory to define the fractional powers of quaternionic operators which contain as a particular case the operator TT so we can define the non local version TΞ±T^\alpha, for α∈(0,1)\alpha\in (0,1), of the Fourier law defined by TT. Our new mathematical tools open the way to a large class of fractional evolution problems that can be defined and studied using our theory based on the SS-spectrum for vector operators. This paper is devoted to researchers in different research fields such as: fractional diffusion and fractional evolution problems, partial differential equations, non commutative operator theory, and quaternionic analysis

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