
Alternative angular variables for suppression of QCD multijet events in new physics searches with missing transverse momentum at the LHC


We introduce three alternative angular variables-denoted by ω~min\tilde{\omega}_\text{min}, ω^min\hat{\omega}_\text{min}, and χmin\chi_\text{min}-for QCD multijet event suppression in supersymmetry searches in events with large missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at the LHC at CERN. In searches in all-hadronic final states in the CMS and ATLAS experiments, the angle Δφi\Delta\varphi_i, the azimuthal angle between a jet and the missing transverse momentum, is widely used to reduce QCD multijet background events with large missing transverse momentum, which is primarily caused by a jet momentum mismeasurement or neutrinos in hadron decays-the missing transverse momentum is aligned with a jet. A related angular variable-denoted by Δφmin\Delta\varphi^*_\text{min}, the minimum of the azimuthal angles between a jet and the transverse momentum imbalance of the other jets in the event-is used instead in a series of searches in all-hadronic final states in CMS to suppress QCD multijet background events to a negligible level. In this paper, before introducing the alternative variables, we review the variable Δφmin\Delta\varphi^*_\text{min} in detail and identify room for improvement, in particular, to maintain good acceptances for signal models with high jet multiplicity final states. Furthermore, we demonstrate with simulated event samples that ω^min\hat{\omega}_\text{min} and χmin\chi_\text{min} considerably outperform Δφmin\Delta\varphi^*_\text{min} and Δφi\Delta\varphi_i in rejecting QCD multijet background events and that ω^min\hat{\omega}_\text{min} and ω~min\tilde{\omega}_\text{min} are also useful for reducing the total standard model background events.Comment: 32 pages, 18 figure

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