
Enmarcado en el PI "Actores y Factores del Microentorno de la Delegaci\uf3n Esquel de la Facultad de Ciencias Econ\uf3micas de la Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco" surge este trabajo en el que se aplica una herramienta propia de la investigaci\uf3n de mercado, el Diferencial Sem\ue1ntico (DS). La finalidad del DS es medir la significaci\uf3n que tiene cierto objeto o situaci\uf3n para las personas, buscando captar el significado afectivo. En el presente trabajo se consulta a los estudiantes respecto de las Carreras de Grado que ofrece nuestra instituci\uf3n buscando precisar las cualidades relativas a la misma disciplina en relaci\uf3n con aspectos acad\ue9micos y laborales. Preguntas que intentamos responder son: \ubfCu\ue1l es la valoraci\uf3n del alumno de grado de Ciencias Econ\uf3micas de la profesi\uf3n para la que se est\ue1 formando y de la carrera que est\ue1 cursando? \ubfHay diferencias en estas valoraciones seg\ufan la altura de la carrera en la que se encuentra? \ubfCu\ue1l es su percepci\uf3n de las caracter\uedsticas de la disciplina elegida y sus incumbencias profesionales?. Los calificativos que los estudiantes aportan espont\ue1neamente respecto a las carreras que cursan son \ufatil, pr\ue1ctica, importante e interesante. Que la carrera elegida se dicte en la Facultad fue uno de los factores motivacionales que determinaron su permanencia en Esquel, para realizar sus estudios universitarios. La opini\uf3n hacia la Facultad como instituci\uf3n, tanto para los estudiantes que est\ue1n ingresando a las distintas carreras como para quienes est\ue1n finalizando sus cursados, es de aceptaci\uf3n. Palabras clave: marketing, educaci\uf3n universitaria, representaciones sociales, informaci\uf3n. ABSTRACT Placed in the IP "Actors and Factors of The Microentorno of the Esquel Delegation of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Patagonia San Juan Bosco National University", this work arises in which a specific tool of market research is applied. Semantic Differential (DS). The purpose of DS is to measure the meaning that has a certain object or situation for people, seeking to grasp the affective meaning. In the present work, the students are consulted regarding the degree courses offered by our institution, seeking to specify the qualities related to the same discipline in relation to academic and labor aspects. Questions that we try to answer are: What is the valuation of the student of degree of Economic Sciences of the profession for which it is being formed and of the race that is taking? Are there differences in these ratings according to the height of the race in which you are? What is your perception of the characteristics of the chosen discipline and its professional responsibilities?. The qualifications that the students contribute spontaneously regarding the races that they are useful, practical, important and interesting. That the chosen race was dictated in the Faculty was one of the motivational factors that determined its permanence in Esquel, to carry out its university studies. The opinion of the Faculty as an institution, both for the students who are entering the different careers and for those who are finishing their courses, is of acceptance. Keywords: marketing, university education, social representations, information. <br

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