
Evaluasi Penggunaan Antibiotik Pada Pasien Anak Terdiagnosa Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Atas Akut (Ispaa) di Instalasi Rawat Jalan Balai Besar Kesehatan Paru Masyarakat Surakarta Tahun 2014-2016


Acute upper respiratory tract infection (AURTI) is an acute infection of one of the upper respiratory tract components including the nose, sinus, pharynx, and larynx. AURTI often attacks children because the immune system is still weak. The rationale of antibiotic use will affect the success and safety of therapy. This study aims to determine the rationality of therapy based on precise parameters of patients, exact drugs, and exact doses in BBKPM Surakarta 2014-2016. Subjects were 96 subjects with inclusion criteria of patients diagnosed with AURTI age 0-12 years who underwent outpatient and received antibiotic therapy with complete medical record. Retrospective data collection using purposive sampling method using medical record in BBKPM Surakarta. Data were analyzed descriptively. Evaluation of antibiotic prescribing in AURTI child patients in terms of the patient's exact, precise, and exact dose. Rationality of usage of antibiotics covering 96 patients (100%), exact medicine 67 cases (69,54%), exact dose of antibiotics 1 case (1.22%), exact frequency of 81 cases (98,78 %), and the exact duration of 6 cases (7.32%). The most widely used antibiotic is cefadroxil in 75 cases (78%)

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