
Analisis Nilai Lahan Kecamatan Umbulharjo Kota Yogyakarta Menggunakan Aplikasi Penginderaan Jauh dan Sistem Informasi Geografi


The growth of the population in Indonesia is so rapid that it causes various problems such as the imbalance between the increase of population and the amount of land available so that the limited land that can be used for survival. The increasing demand for land will lead to a higher level of land demand that will affect the increase in land value. Umbulharjo Sub-district became one of the sub-districts with demands for a fairly high residence in Yogyakarta. The number of residents of Umbulharjo in 2014 increased compared to the year 2013 which is 65,994 people to 67,632 inhabitants, this is due to the large number of immigrants to the school in Umbulharjo. The purpose of this research is to (1) to know the spread of land value and (2) to analyze the most influencing factor to the value of land in Umbulharjo. The value of land is obtained from the analysis of overlapping or overlay of all parameters of land value using a weighted tiered quantitative approach. The step is to multiply each parameter with the weight of the comparator then add up. These land value parameters include land use, positive accessibility, negative accessibility and public facilities obtained from utilizing PJ data. The most influential parameters can be analyzed through the attribute data of the land value map, by looking at the most commonly presented values and presented in the form of graphs to make it easier to analyze. The most dominant land value class in Umbulharjo sub district is high class with area of 5097229,339 m2, whereas for the least class is low grade that is 706267,813 m2, and for middle class has wide of 5097229.339 m2. The spread of the class of land values for the high class spread in Umbulharjo sub-district, while for the middle class is near the border of Umbulharjo Subdistrict, and the low class clustered in several places randomly. The most appropriate or dominant factor against high and medium grade land values is used, whereas the value is a negative accessibility facto

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