University of Zagreb. Faculty of Science. Department of Biology.
Papratnjače su najprimitivnije stablašice koje su više od 200 milijuna godina (tijekom paleofitika) vladale kopnom. Akumulacijom prilagodbi i promjenom geoloških, klimatskih i geografskih čimbenika ostvarile su prijelaz biljaka iz vode na kopno te započele kolonizaciju koju su u kasnijim razdobljima nastavile sjemenjače. U ovom radu učinjen je kratki pregled pojedinih anatomskih i morfoloških prilagodbi potrebnih za naseljavanje kopna kao i uvjeta koji su vladali u tom razdoblju. Opisani su pojedini pripadnici svih skupina papratnjača koje su nastanjivale prvobitna kopnena staništa kao i njihova biogeografska raspodjela tokom paleofitika. Iako veliki broj papratnjača nije preživio paleofitik (prvenstveno drvenasti oblici), njihova je raznolikost i danas velika.Ferns are the most primitive tree plants which have over the period of 200 million years (during paleophytic) ruled the land. With the accumulation of adaptations and change in geology, climate and geography of the Earth, they have made transition from water to land and started the colonization, that in the later periods, is continued by seed plants. In this work, a short review of anatomical and morphological adaptations needed to colonize the land is given as well as the conditions that were present in that period. The individual examples of all groups of ferns which were the first to inhabit land habitats are given as well as their biogeographical distribution during paleophytic. Although the great number of fern species did not survive paleophytic (most of all tree ferns), their diversity today is still great