
Current state and prospects of development of flour milling industry in Ukraine


Розглядається сучасний стан борошномельної галузі України. Доведено, що борошномельна галузь на ряду з круп'яної і комбікормової галузями, є складовою частиною зернопромислового комплексу України, яка має достатній потенціал для заготівлі продовольчого зерна для виробництва борошна і круп. Проаналізовано динаміка виробництва борошна та річного споживання хлібних продуктів на душу населення в Україні за певні роки, експорт і імпорт борошна. Розглянуто основні проблеми, які стримують розвиток ринку борошна та експорту продукції даної галузі та перспективи розвитку борошномельної промисловості.Рассматривается современное состояние мукомольной отрасли Украины. Доказано, что мукомольная отрасль наряду с крупяной и комбикормовой отраслями, является составной частью зернопромышленный комплекса Украины, которая имеет достаточный потенциал для заготовки продовольственного зерна для производства муки и круп. Проанализированы динамика производства муки и годового потребления хлебных продуктов на душу населения в Украине за определенные годы, экспорт и импорт муки. Рассмотрены основные проблемы, сдерживающие развитие рынка муки и экспорта продукции данной отрасли и перспективы развития мукомольной промышленности.Flour milling industry plays a leading role in providing individuals and other food industries by such socially important products as flour and grain. Ukraine has the potential for storing of food grain for production of flour and grain. Despite the gradual decline of bread consumption in Ukraine, which is observed in recent years, flour was and is remained a strategically important product, the production of which brings a steady income. The current state of flour milling industry in Ukraine is observed, it is proved that flour milling industry along with grain and animal feed industries, it is the part of the grain industrial complex in Ukraine, which has the potential for storing of food grain for flour and grain production. The dynamics of flour production and annual consumption of bakery per head of population in Ukraine for some years, the export and import of flour is analyzed. The economic and demographic factors, due to which there was a decrease in consumption are defined. The top 10 manufacturers of flour in Ukraine in 2014 are showed. New factors influencing the change of the grain market of Ukraine are determined. The main problems that hinder the development of the market of flour and exports of this industry and prospects of the milling industry are reviewed. The study showed that for Ukrainian market of flour the main factors that influence on the price situation are the following: the shortage of local raw materials, the cost of wheat on world markets and on the markets of Russia and the USA, as well as the processes of lawmaking. Another feature of the Ukrainian market of flour pricing it is a significant administrative pressure that can be applied to prevent the growth of prices for bread products. The main reasons of the decline in flour production are the reduction of average consumption and the amount of industrial use of flour, in particular in the baking industry, which is the largest consumer of this product and "shadowing" the movement of trade flows. If we consider the situation in the flour-milling industry in the future, there is clearly the only fundamental factor it is rating of the population in Ukraine, which is reduced, its age criteria and level of urbanization, all of these can lead to the increase in exports in the future

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