
Rutas metodológicas para la redimensión de la actuación de las bibliotecas públicas de La Habana


Objective. To present a research methodology oriented to re-dimensioning the performance of municipal public libraries in communities of The Havana, Cuba. Design/Methodology/Approach. The research process was characterized by a mixed methodology and a multiple triangulation approach. Results/Discussion. The ten phases, in which the research process was materialized, were presented through quantitative and qualitative methods and techniques. Conclusions. Multi-case study as an approach, mixed-qualitative research as a strategy and a multiple triangulation design conformed a relevant methodological strategy. Originality/Value. In Cuba, and particularly in Havana, municipal public libraries do not usually conduct qualitative or mixed researches concerning to its performance. For this reason, the exposition about the research experience in the scenario of Havana municipal public libraries in the period 2013-2016 was considered as pertinent and necessary

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