
Multiphase CFD modeling to evaluate and to improve mixing in Chinese dome digester


Household or domestic biogas plants constitute a growing sub-sector of the anaerobic digestion industry worldwide, but had received low research attention for improvements. The Chinese dome digester (CDD), a major type of domestic biogas plant, is a naturally mixed, unheated and low tech system that is mainly used in rural areas. In this study, a multiphase computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was applied to evaluate and subsequently improve mixing in a lab scale Chinese dome digester. The normal Chinese dome digester (CDD1) and two baffle configurations were investigated to improve the hydraulic mixing in the digester (CDD2 and CDD3 respectively) . 2-D time dependent numerical simulations were done with the three-phase, phase field model in COMSOL Multiphysics in a CDD geometry. Residence time distribution (RTD) curves were derived for all the configurations to evaluate and compare performances. In addition, three hydraulic indicators were also studied to evaluate mixing improvement. The Anaerobic digestion model No. 1 (ADM1) was used to evaluate biogas production. The effects of the addition of baffles to the CDDs did not significantly improve mixing, however about 16 % of dead zones was reduced in the two-baffle configuration

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