[11C]PR04.MZ, a Promising DAT Ligand for Low Concentration Imaging: Synthesis, Efficient 11C-O-Methylation and Initial Small Animal PET Studies


PR04.MZ was designed as a highly selective dopamine transporter inhibitor, derived from natural cocaine. Its binding profile indicates that [11C]PR04.MZ may be suited as a PET radioligand for the non-invasive exploration of striatal and extrastriatal DAT populations. As a key feature, its structural design facilitates both, labelling with fluorine-18 at its terminally fluorinated butynyl moiety and carbon-11 at its methyl ester function. The present report concerns the efficient [11C]MeI mediated synthesis of [11C]PR04.MZ from an O-desmethyl precursor trifluoroacetic acid salt with Rb2CO3 in DMF in up to 95 ± 5% labelling yield. A preliminary μPET-experiment demonstrates the reversible, highly specific binding of [11C]PR04.MZ in the brain of a male Sprague–Dawley rat.Chemistry and Chemical Biolog

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