Microscopic analysis of the effects of Ip mCII subunit overexpression on DA-induced neuronal death
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Cultures of striatal neurons expressing the reporter gene GFP, were transduced with a lentiviral vector coding the Ip subunit of mCII (lenti-Ip) or the DsRed reporter protein (lenti-DsR) as a control of transduction. () Representative field of view using phase contrast imaging (upper images) and fluorescence imaging of GFP (lower images) (Scale bar, 20 µm). () Histogram of GFP-positive cell counts in cultures transduced with lenti-Ds or lenti-Ip after a 24 h treatment with DA. Note the severity of neurodegeneration in cultures treated with DA, and the rescuing effect of Ip overexpression. * < 0.005; ANOVA and Fisher's PLSD test.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Dopamine determines the vulnerability of striatal neurons to the N-terminal fragment of mutant huntingtin through the regulation of mitochondrial complex II"</p><p></p><p>Human Molecular Genetics 2008;17(10):1446-1456.</p><p>Published online 11 Feb 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2367694.</p><p>© 2008 The Author(s)</p