cytochromes P450 (CYPs) are membrane-anchored enzymes involved
in biotransformation of many marketed drugs. We constructed atomic
models of six human CYPs (CYP1A2, 2A6, 2C9, 2D6, 2E1, and 3A4) anchored
to a lipid bilayer to investigate the positions and orientations of
CYPs on a membrane. We equilibrated the models by molecular dynamics
simulations on a 100+ ns time scale. Catalytic domains of all studied
CYPs were found to be partially immersed in the lipid bilayer, whereas
the N-terminal part and F′/G′ loop are deeply immersed.
The proximal side of the enzyme faces the cytosol, whereas the distal
side, where openings of substrate access and product release channels
to the active site are primarily located, points toward the lipid
bilayer. Access channels with openings in the vicinity of the B/C
and F/G loops are typically positioned below the lipid head groups,
whereas the solvent channel points toward the membrane–water
interface. We found that the access channel opening positions match
the preferred substrate positions, whereas the product release channel
exit positions correspond closely with the positions of the products.
This may indicate that membrane-anchored CYPs have evolutionarily
adapted to facilitate uptake of nonpolar substrates from the membrane
and uptake/release of polar substrates or products from/to the membrane–water