A Phenomenological Approach to Understanding the S.T.R.O.N.G. MENtoring Program: An African-American Male Retention Program at a Midsize Predominantly White Institution


Using phenomenological inquiry, the purpose of this present research was to explore the phenomena of the African-American undergraduate male experience in a retention program at a Midsize Midwestern predominantly White institution. Through data analysis the principle researcher examined the perceptions of the participants to understand the impact of the program. The participants accounted for their shared experiences as being a part of the S.T.R.O.N.G. MENtoring program during the 2011-2012 academic school year. Collectively the participants articulated a greater sense of awareness to their self-perception due their socialization at the site location. The participants also warranted feelings of confirmation biases, an increased obligation to the program, and the need for counter space. The principle researcher addresses the themes emerged from data analysis and provides implications for the future direction and guidance for the S.T.R.O.N.G. MENtoring program

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