Additional file 4: of Identification of novel biomarker as citrullinated inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain 4, specifically increased in sera with experimental and rheumatoid arthritis


Figure S4. (a) Sera of pGIA and control mice obtained at day 14 were separated by SDS-PAGE and stained with Coomassie brilliant blue (left) or subjected to Western blot analysis using AMC antibodies (right). Citrullinated proteins were detected at ~ 120 kDa in pGIA mice but not in the control mice. G1, 2: pGIA; C1, 2: control mice. (b) The MS spectrum of ITIH4429–438 and modified peptides bearing the citrullinated arginine (R438) in pGIA. Citrullinated residues were identified by the modified y6, y7, and y8 ion confirmed a mass increase of 1.0 Da. (TIFF 217 kb

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