
New Zealand: land or marine island?


Područje Novog Zelanda iznimno je zanimljivo područje za biogeografska istraživanja jer nam daje uvid u procese širenja biljnih i životinjskih vrsta koji bi, osim lokalnog, mogli biti primjer globalnog naseljavanja tijekom geološke povijesti Zemlje, odvajanja, izolacije i daljnje specijacije organizama. Zbog specifičnih geoloških procesa Novi Zeland ima karakteristike kopnenog, ali i morskog otoka što je biljnim i životinjskim organizmima dalo mogućnost dvojakog načina nastanjivanja. Dio arhaičnih rodova otoke je naselio prije odvajanja dijelova Gondvane, dok su recentne vrste otoke nastanile putem disperzije. Drevna izolacija i ponovno izdizanje dijelova kontinentalnog fragmenta nakon razdoblja transgresije su glavni uzroci visokog stupnja endemizma otoka.New Zealand is an extremely interesting area for biogeographical studies because it gives us an insight into the processes of the spread of plant and animal species which, except for local, could be an example of global settlement of species during the geological history of Earth, separation, isolation and further speciation of organisms. Due to the specific geological processes New Zealand has the characteristics of both land and marine islands and these characteristics have given plant and animal organisms the possibility of dual modes of settlement. Part of the archaic genera on the islands was settled before the separation of Gondwana, while the recent species islands inhabited by dispersion. Ancient isolation and heaving of the continental fragments after a period of transgression are the main causes of the high degree of endemicity that exists on the islands

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