Assessment of Safety of Water Craft in Lake Kainji was conducted. A total of 50
questionnaires were administered to five randomly selected fishing areas along the lake. The items used in planning a lake trip shows that 30.23% and 28.68% used pole and paddles, while 19.38% and 16.25% used outboard engine and bamboo stick respectively. Majority of the respondents (32.92%) used Styrofoam as a life saving facility followed by bamboo (Kala, 24.37%), while empty tanks/jerry can accounted for 15.85%, life bouy contributed 13.41 % of the life saving appliances.
The major causes of accidents onboard include wave action/wind, free stump, overloading and
stones in the lake. Others include wild aquatic animals and unskilled operators. 59.68% seek for help by shouting, while 32.26% by raising paddle up and whistle when seeking for help in boat in distress. Out of the respondents, 70.21 % maintained boats by washing regularly, while 29.79 by washing occasionally. Finally, recommendations were made on how to improve efficient
maneuverability for fishing and transport boats in Lake Kainji