
Effect of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassippes) infestation on zooplankton populations in Awba Reservoir, Ibadan, south-west Nigeria


The effect of water hyacinth infestation on the abundance, distribution and species composition of zooplankton in Awba Reservoir were investigated. Samples were collected in each of the sampling areas (water hyacinth infested and open water) by vertical zooplankton hauls using §1Yro bolting silk net. The species composition of the zooplankton from the sampled areas consisted of 3 taxa, comprising of 6 species of Cladocera (Moina sp.,Ceriodaphnia sp.,Pleuroxus sp.,Diaphanosoma sp.,Chydorus sp., and Leydigia sp.,) 6 species of Rotifers(Asplanchna sp.,Trichocerca.,Filinia sp., Polyarthra sp.,Brachionus sp.,and Lecane sp.) and 3 species of Copepoda(Cycloid copepods, Copepodite nauphii and Calanoid copepods). However, the study showed that the Rotifers had higher numerical abundance in the study areas. Water hyacinth infested area had a total density of 95 individuals/I while open water had 225 individuals/I. The study showed that the density of zooplankton was significantly lower (P<0.05) in the infested area. Biotic indices such as Margalefs, and Simpson's indices were lower in the infested area while Shannon-Weiner diversity index was significantly lower (P<0.05). The result suggests that water hyacinth dense mats affected the numerical abundance of the zooplanktons

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