
琉球列島で得られた日本初記録のカワウミヘビLamnostoma mindorum (条鰭綱: ウナギ目: ウミヘビ科)


A single specimen (626 mm in total length) of Lamnostoma mindorum (Jordan & Richardson, 1908) was collected from the freshwater area in Okinawa Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. The specimen represents the first record of L. mindorum from Japan and the northernmost record of this species.沖縄島の淡水域においてカワウミヘビ (新称) Lamnostoma mindorum (Jordan & Richardson, 1908) 1個体(全長626 mm)を捕獲した. 本確認は本種の日本初記録であるとともに北限記録である

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