
3D registration for Malaysian cadastre system


2D cadastre mapping is being practiced in Malaysia and at the moment it provides vital land and property information like ownerships of the parcels for most parts of the country. However in very near future this 2D information may not be able to serve more advanced situations for example in large city centers. The establishment of Malaysia cadastral system is to monitor matters of land especially the land ownership. The system is setup to ensure consistency in cadastral information that comes from cadastral survey and cadastral land registration. In general, the cadastral survey and cadastral land registration are managed by Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (DSMM) and Land Offices (LO) respectively. The cadastral object can be either a complete land parcel, parcel of storey houses (strata) e.g. apartments, flats resident ial or parcel below the surface (stratum) . There is a need for 3D cadastre registration as real-estate property is actually in 3D. Therefore, the new cadastral system should reflect the existence of the real-world objects - 3D physical objects and have its own legal rights. Current 3D computing technology could be used to develop a registration system for 3D Cadastre and eventually a solution for 3

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