
The GALILEO GALILEI small-satellite mission with FEEP thrusters (GG)


The Equivalence Principle, formulated by Einstein generalizing Galileo’s and Newton’s work, is a fundamental principle of modern physics. As such it should be tested as accurately as possible. Its most direct consequence, namely the Universality of Free Fall, can be tested in space, in a low Earth orbit, the crucial advantage being that the driving signal is about three orders of magnitude stronger than on Earth. GALILEO GALILEI (GG) is a small space mission designed for such a high-accuracy test. At the time of print, GG has been selected by ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana) as a candidate for the next small Italian mission. Ground tests of the proposed apparatus now indicate that an accuracy of 1 part in 1017 is within the reach of this small mission

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