
Data analysis on physical and mechanical properties of cassava pellets


In this data article, laboratory experimental investigation results carried out at National Centre for Agricultural Mechanization(NCAM) on moisture content,machine speed,die diameter of the rig, and the outputs (hardness,durability,bulk density,and unit density of the pellets) at different levels of cassava pellets were observed. Analysis of variance using randomized complete block design with factorial was used to perform analysis for each of the outputs: hardness,durability,bulk density,and unit density of the pellets. A clear description one ach of these outputs was considered separately using tables and figures. It was observed that for all the output with the exception of unit density,their main factor effects as well as two and three ways interactions is significant at 5% level.This means that the hardness,bulk density and durability of cassava pellets respectively depend on the moisture content of the cassava dough,the machine speed,the die diameter of the extrusion rig and the combinations of these factors in pairs as well as the three altogether .Higher machine speeds produced more quality pellets at lower die diameters while lower machine speed is recommended for higher die diameter.Also the unit density depends on die diameter and the three-way interactiononly.Unit density of cassava pellets is neither affected by machine para- meters nor moisture content of the cassava dough.Moisture content of cassava dough,speed of the machine and die diameter of the extrusion rigare significant factors to be considered in pelletizing cassava to produce pellets.Increase in moisture content of cassava dough increase the quality of cassava pellets

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