Lean Implementation on Indian manufacturing firm
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- IJRE Publisher
In today’s market every manufacturing industry is trying to implement ‘Lean’ in its operations. This emergent need of reducing waste and getting efficient production had created a boom for the Lean Production (LP). Many people from corporate firms and management associates want a productive tool for achieving this task. Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is the solution to such emerging need, it identifies the source of waste practices and tries to scale down them analytically. VSM in this way measures all the value and non-value added processes, to evaluate the origin of wastes, their effect on different operation of industry and the processes in between. In this paper we have implemented VSM technique on a small scale industry to showcase its effect on cost of production, production lead time and the developing some procedure for reduction of root cause of this loss. Considering the current processes of the industries operations Current State map is developed to show how actual production is taking place at the industry before implementing any lean procedure. A Future State Map is finally developed considering the lean behaviours to reduce the waste production and to increase its productivity. This is inspected along with its takt time calculation. Thus, by curbing these wasteful practices we will show how manufacturing performance of the company can be upgraded by employment of VSM