Analysed morphological characters in Chenopodium album aggregate species from Iran.


Analysed morphological characters in Chenopodium album aggregate species from Iran. PL - Petiole length, LL - Lamina length, LW - Lamina width, TA - Tip angle of leaf, BA - Base angle of leaf, WV - Length from tip to widest point of the leaf (along the central vein), W1/2 - Lamina width in 1/2 of lamina length, C - Circularity of lamina, A - Area of lamina, A/A_reduced - Area of lamina/Area of lamina without teeth, PL/LL - Petiole length/Lamina length, LW/LL - Lamina width/Lamina length, WV/LL - Length from tip to widest point of the leaf/Lamina length, W1/2/LW - Lamina width in 1/2 of lamina length/Lamina length, area/LW - Area of lamina/Lamina width

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