Gemma BSLMM infiles


This compressed directory contains the infiles for the genomic prediction/genome wide association mapping analysis. These are in BIMBAM format and include mean genotype (*geno*) and phenotype (*pheno*) files. We include files for size and position (*coord*) traits. Files are included for all biological levels we considered and for all groups: AN = L. anna, GNP = L-ID-GNP, ID = L. idas, JA = Jackson hole, ME = L. melissa east, MW = L. melissa west, RI = L. anna ricei, SIN = L-ME-SIN, SN = Sierra Nevada, WA - Warner Mt., and YBG = L-AN-YBG. Files without prefixes are for the species-comples level analysis. We have also included a perl wrapper script used to fit the BSLMM in gemma =

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