Additional file 1: of Loss of XBP1 accelerates age-related decline in retinal function and neurodegeneration


Figure S1. Multiple retinal markers reveal no differences between WT and XBP1 cKO at P15 or 12 months of age. Cryosections of retina from P15 or 12 month old wild type (WT) and XBP1 fl/fl; Chx10-cre (cKO) mice immunolabeled with antibodies against the listed proteins. (A) At P15 there is no difference in the appearance of labeling for calbindin, a horizontal cell marker, between XBP1 cKO and WT. (B and C) There are no differences in labeling for Pax6 at (B) P15 or (C) 12 months between XBP1 cKO and WT retinas. (D) Double labeling for the bipolar cell marker, PKC-α, and the Ribeye antibody appears identical between XBP1 cKO and WT at P15. (E and F) We see no differences between XBP1 cKO and WT in staining for the MG marker, glutamine synthetase (GS) at P15 or 12 months of age. GCL, ganglion cell layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; ONL, outer nuclear layer. Scale bar = 40 μm. (TIFF 1571 kb

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