In general, mechatronics systems have no standard operating system that could be used for planning and control when such devices are running. Our goal is to formulate a work platform that can be used as an environment for obtaining precision in the manipulation of micro-entities using micro-scale manipulation tools of our microsystem applications such as our microassembly workstation. The microassembly workstation setup is made up of the manipulation system, vision system, robust control system and manipulation tools. In this thesis we also provide groundwork for motion planning and assembly of the microassembly workstation manipulation system. We implemented the motion planning algorithms which are tested in the virtual workspace environment in order to demonstrate the functionality of the work platform. Firstly, we investigate the performance of the conventional Euclidean distance algorithm, then, artificial potential field algorithm, and finally A* algorithm when implemented on a virtual space. The physical conditions of the microworld hinder the immediate application of the work platform with the motion planning algorithms on the microassembly workstation. We demonstrate our test results of the motion planning algorithms on the virtual workspace and grid window of the work platform. However, due to object oriented programming nature of the work platform, eventually the work platform can be easily interfaced with the microassembly workstation once the problems which limit the micromanipulation and assembly are attended