
Sliding mode control based piezoelectric actuator control


In this paper a method for piezoelectric stack actuator control is proposed. In addition a brief discussion about the usage of the same methods for estimation of external force acting to the actuator in contact with environment is made. The method uses sliding mode framework to design both the observer and the controller based on an electromechanical lumped model of the piezoelectric actuator. Furthermore, using a nonlinear differential equation the internal hysteresis disturbance is removed from the total disturbance in an attempt to estimate the external force acting on the actuator. It is then possible to use this external force estimate as a means of force control of the actuator. Simulation and experiments are compared for validating the disturbance and external force estimation technique. Some experiments that incorporate disturbance compensation in a closed-loop SMC control algorithm are also presented to prove the effectiveness of this method in producing high precision motion

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