Piezo-resistive properties of graphene based PVDF composite films for strain sensing


Graphene based polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)composite films have been produced and characterized in orderto investigate their piezo-resistive properties. To this purpose, anew production process has been developed, with the aim offabricating at low cost PVDF films filled with graphenenanoplatelets (GNPs). The produced films, having a GNPcontent of 1.5%wt and 2% wt, have been characterized frommorpholocial and chemical points of view. Moreover, theirpiezo-resistive properties have been investigated both in staticand cyclic conditions. The produced films show a stable andrepeatable response to the applied strain. A sensitivity of 15 hasbeen measured for the PVDF/GNP film filled at 1.5% wt,corresponding to an applied strain of 1.5

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