Energy audits in Malta


Energy is the driving force of our society. Industry, economy and the general public, all depend on safe, secure, sustainable and affordable energy. But at the same time, energy related emissions account for almost 80% of the European Union’s total green house gas emissions. The European Union has set itself a great challenge and a target was set in 2007 to reduce by 20% of its primary energy consumption, to increase the share of renewable energy by 20% and to reduce the green house gasses by 20% until 2020. Energy auditing is an effective energy management tool which identifies and implements a means to achieve energy efficiency and savings. In fact, this will not only lead to energy savings, but also to improving life expectancy of system services and to better quality. All these savings in money will improve the productivity. Moreover, the role of energy audits in Malta has greatly expanded since all entities are aware of the benefits, given that a successful way to mange energy is achieved. Organizations still believe that the main idea behind energy audits remains the reduction of utility bills and thus lowering operating costs

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