Fluorescence states were determined by titrating increasing concentrations of oligonucleotides 1U (panels and ) and 2U (panels and ), or fixed ratios of oligonucleotides and enzyme, and observing the change in fluorescence
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Abstract <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "A rapid reaction analysis of uracil DNA glycosylase indicates an active mechanism of base flipping"</p><p></p><p>Nucleic Acids Research 2007;35(5):1478-1487.</p><p>Published online 6 Feb 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC1865060.</p><p>© 2007 The Author(s).</p> All data are shown with the best fit to a linear equation. Fluorescence states were assigned for free substrate (open circles, red line), the specific E·S complex (open triangles, cyan line), the free abasic product (open diamonds, green line), the E·P complex with both wild-type UNG (closed circles, maroon line) and the D88N/H210N mutant (closed triangles, dark green line). The control oligonucleotide (1N) with 2-AP not adjacent to the target uracil was also examined as free DNA (open squares, magenta line), and in an enzyme–DNA complex (open inverted triangles, black line)