Inhibition of primordial germ cell proliferation by the medaka male determining gene Dmrt1bY-0


<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Inhibition of primordial germ cell proliferation by the medaka male determining gene Dmrt1bY"</p><p></p><p>BMC Developmental Biology 2007;7():99-99.</p><p>Published online 30 Aug 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC2034567.</p><p></p>V:EGFP-SV40UTR control plasmid (A) while nuclear localized when transfected with pCMV:Dmrt1bY:GFP-SV40UTR construct (B). C and D: Radar histograms representing the DNA content distribution of Dmrt1bY:GFP relative to GFP (control) transfected cells expressed in percentage. "Ctr" and "GFP Ctr, GFP+" represent GFP negative and positive control cells in the plate tranfected with control GFP plasmid; similarly "Dmrt1bY, GFP+" and "Dmrt1b, GFP-" represent GFP negative and positive cells In the plate tranfected with Dmrt1bY:GFP plasmid. E and F: Cell cycle distribution reflected by DNA content in control stage 10 (MBT) and post-MBT (stage 13) -injected embryos

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