Plasmid-based genetic modification of human bone marrow-derived stromal cells: analysis of cell survival and transgene expression after transplantation in rat spinal cord-1


<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Plasmid-based genetic modification of human bone marrow-derived stromal cells: analysis of cell survival and transgene expression after transplantation in rat spinal cord"</p><p></p><p>BMC Biotechnology 2007;7():90-90.</p><p>Published online 14 Dec 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC2225398.</p><p></p>d week 1–4). First row: hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining indicating localisation and general appearance of transplantation site. Second row: direct EGFP fluorescence indicating the presence or absence of EGFP positive hMSC-EGFP cell transplants. Third row: immuno-histochemical staining for EGFP indicating the presence or absence of EGFP positive hMSC-EGFP cell transplants. Fourth row: immuno-histochemical staining for CD68 indicating macrophage infiltration into the transplantation site. All slides were examined using a conventional light/fluorescence microscope and digital pictures were taken under magnification as indicated. Representative pictures were chosen from multiple hMSC-EGFP cell transplanted spinal cords analysed for day 1 (n = 2), week 1 (n = 2), week 2 (n = 2), week 3 (n = 2), and week 4 (n = 6) post-transplantation. (B) Molecular and histological assessment of hMSC-EGFP cell transplant survival in rat spinal cord under systemic immune suppression (subcutaneous 10 mg/kg/day cyclosporin A) at four time points post transplantation (day 1 and week 1–3). DAY 1: Real-time RT-PCR analysis on mRNA isolated from hMSC-EGFP cell transplanted spinal cords on day 1 post-transplantation (n = 2) indicating the presence of EGFP mRNA transcripts in spinal cord following hMSC-EGFP cell transplantation. WEEK 1: direct EGFP fluorescence and immuno-histochemical staining for EGFP indicating the presence of EGFP positive hMSC-EGFP cell transplants on week 1 post-transplantation. Representative pictures were chosen from multiple hMSC-EGFP cell transplanted spinal cords analysed 1 week post-transplantation (n = 5). WEEK 2: HE staining, direct EGFP fluorescence and immuno-histochemical staining for EGFP indicating the presence of EGFP positive hMSC-EGFP cell transplants on week 2 post-transplantation. Representative pictures were chosen from multiple hMSC-EGFP cell transplanted spinal cords analysed 2 weeks post-transplantation (n = 3). WEEK 3: Standard PCR and RT-PCR analysis on DNA and mRNA isolated from hMSC-EGFP cell-transplanted spinal cords 3 weeks post-transplantation indicating the presence of EGFP DNA sequences and EGFP mRNA transcripts in spinal cord following hMSC-EGFP cell transplantation

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