Ulcus serpens as an occupational disease


Opaženo je, da je broj bolesnika, koji boluju od bolesti ulcus serpens, sve veći. Prikazana je etiologija i patologija oboljenja. Postoji mogućnost, da povećani broj oboljenja od te bolesti stoji u vezi s povišenom rezistencijom bakterija prema sulfamidima i penicilinu. Istaknuti su socijalni i preventivni faktori u pojavi bolesti ulcus serpens.The increased morbidity of corneal ulcus serpens is discussed. After a short review of etiological and pathogenetical conditions playing a role in the development of the ulcus serpens, the author considers the possibility of bacterial resistence to sulphonamides and to penicillin as a cause of their increased virulence. Because of its increased morbidity ulcus serpens may be considered as a serious sanitary and social problem. Therefore the author proposes to intensify the prophylactic protection of the eye in order to avoid corneal traumas. Besides these protecting methods, it is also necessary to intensify the sanitary propaganda in view of the great number of farmers suffering from ulcus serpens. It has been suggested lo organize the social insurance of farmers as an important protecting measure

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