Cerulenin overcomes the protective effects of IL-6, IGF-1 and BMSCs on MM cell growth
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(A, B, C) MM.1S and U266 cells were cultured for 48 h with the indicated concentrations [0 μmol/l (□), 3·15 μmol/l () 6·25 μmol/l (), 12·5 μmol/l ()] of Cerulenin, in the presence or absence of IL-6 (1 or 10 ng/ml: A), IGF-1 (10 or 50 ng/ml: B), or BMSC (C). Cell growth was assessed by [H]-thymidine uptake. Cerulenin inhibits MM cell growth and overcomes the stimulating effect of IL-6 (A) or IGF-1 (B) ( < 0·05), and BMSC ( < 0·05) (C). Values represent mean ± SD of quadruplicate cultures.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Retraction: Fatty acid synthase is a novel therapeutic target in multiple myeloma"</p><p></p><p>British Journal of Haematology 2008;141(5):659-671.</p><p>Published online Jan 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2408665.</p><p>Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd</p