Control. Misexpression of causes aberrant dendritic targeting to the posterior. Brackets in (a) indicate the dendritic tree. Dendrograms derived from the reconstructions with branch points highlighted in magenta and the cell body and axon offset from the dendritic tree by green. Quantification of the dendritic architectures for controls (green, N = 4) and expressing RP2 neurons (magenta, N = 4). The significance of pair-wise comparisons using Student's -test is indicated. Error bars indicate the standard error. Anterior is left and the ventral midline is down. Scale bar: 10 μm.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Identification of genes influencing dendrite morphogenesis in developing peripheral sensory and central motor neurons"</p><p></p><p>Neural Development 2008;3():16-16.</p><p>Published online 10 Jul 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2503983.</p><p></p