Introns containing weak PY tracts are enriched in specific motifs upstream of the PY tract


Shown are representative motifs derived from n-mers enriched in the region upstream of weak PY tracts (see Materials and methods for details of motif construction). The complete list of motifs is available in Additional data files 4 and 5. The average Z-score for enrichment of all of the n-mers that compose the motif is shown to the right. Motifs over-represented upstream of weak PY tracts for GC-rich human introns. Motifs over-represented upstream of weak PY tracts for AT-rich human introns.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Identification of motifs that function in the splicing of non-canonical introns"</p><p></p><p>Genome Biology 2008;9(6):R97-R97.</p><p>Published online 12 Jun 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2481429.</p><p></p

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