Mechanism of Homogeneous Reduction of CO<sub>2</sub> by Pyridine: Proton Relay in Aqueous Solvent and Aromatic Stabilization


We employ quantum chemical calculations to investigate the mechanism of homogeneous CO<sub>2</sub> reduction by pyridine (Py) in the Py/p-GaP system. We find that CO<sub>2</sub> reduction by Py commences with PyCOOH<sup>0</sup> formation where: (a) protonated Py (PyH<sup>+</sup>) is reduced to PyH<sup>0</sup>, (b) PyH<sup>0</sup> then reduces CO<sub>2</sub> by one electron transfer (ET) via nucleophilic attack by its N lone pair on the C of CO<sub>2</sub>, and finally (c) proton transfer (PT) from PyH<sup>0</sup> to CO<sub>2</sub> produces PyCOOH<sup>0</sup>. The predicted enthalpic barrier for this proton-coupled ET (PCET) reaction is 45.7 kcal/mol for direct PT from PyH<sup>0</sup> to CO<sub>2</sub>. However, when PT is mediated by one to three water molecules acting as a proton relay, the barrier decreases to 29.5, 20.4, and 18.5 kcal/mol, respectively. The water proton relay reduces strain in the transition state (TS) and facilitates more complete ET. For PT mediated by a three water molecule proton relay, adding water molecules to explicitly solvate the core reaction system reduces the barrier to 13.6–16.5 kcal/mol, depending on the number and configuration of the solvating waters. This agrees with the experimentally determined barrier of 16.5 ± 2.4 kcal/mol. We calculate a p<i>K</i> <sub>a</sub> for PyH<sup>0</sup> of 31 indicating that PT preceding ET is highly unfavorable. Moreover, we demonstrate that ET precedes PT in PyCOOH<sup>0</sup> formation, confirming PyH<sup>0</sup>’s p<i>K</i> <sub>a</sub> as irrelevant for predicting PT from PyH<sup>0</sup> to CO<sub>2</sub>. Furthermore, we calculate adiabatic electron affinities in aqueous solvent for CO<sub>2</sub>, Py, and Py·CO<sub>2</sub> of 47.4, 37.9, and 66.3 kcal/mol respectively, indicating that the anionic complex PyCOO<sup>–</sup> stabilizes the anionic radicals CO<sub>2</sub> <sup>–</sup> and Py<sup>–</sup> to facilitate low barrier ET. As the reduction of CO<sub>2</sub> proceeds through ET and then PT, the pyridine ring becomes aromatic, and thus Py catalyzes CO<sub>2</sub> reduction by stabilizing the PCET TS and the PyCOOH<sup>0</sup> product through aromatic resonance stabilization. Our results suggest that Py catalyzes the homogeneous reductions of formic acid and formaldehyde en route to formation of CH<sub>3</sub>OH through a series of one-electron reductions analogous to the PCET reduction of CO<sub>2</sub> examined here, where the electrode only acts to reduce PyH<sup>+</sup> to PyH<sup>0</sup>

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