Dissociation of Single 2-Chloroanthracene Molecules by STM-Tip Electron Injection


We have studied the adsorption and tip-induced chemistry of 2-chloroanthracene on TiO<sub>2</sub>(110). STM images show that at 135 K and low coverage, i.e., ∼0.1 ML, these molecules are physisorbed along the five-coordinated titanium rows on the rutile(110) surface as a result of electrostatic interaction. Applying electric pulses >2.5 V from the STM tip to individual molecules causes either desorption or dissociation of the molecules, as indicated by the changes in the STM images. We have observed dissociative electron capture of a single 2-chloroanthracene molecule, which leaves behind a surface chlorine atom adsorbed in the on-top configuration on a surface Ti atom. The threshold energy required for the dissociation was found to be ∼2.7 eV

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