Pore-Scale Investigation
of Nanoparticle Transport
in Saturated Porous Media Using Laser Scanning Cytometry
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Knowledge of nanoparticle transport and retention mechanisms
essential for both the risk assessment and environmental application
of engineered nanomaterials. Laser scanning cytometry, an emerging
technology, was used for the first time to investigate the transport
of fluorescent nanoparticles in a microfluidic flow cell packed with
glass beads. The laser scanning cytometer (LSC) was able to provide
the spatial distribution of 64 nm fluorescent nanoparticles attached
in a domain of 12 mm long and 5 mm wide. After 40 pV of injection
at a lower ionic strength condition (3 mM NaCl, pH 7.0), fewer fluorescent
nanoparticles were attached to the center of the flow cell, where
the pore-scale velocity is relatively higher. After a longer injection
period (300 PV), more were attached to the center of the flow cell,
and particles were attached to both the upstream and downstream sides
of a glass bead. Nanoparticles attached under a higher ionic strength
condition (100 mM NaCl, pH 7.0) were found to be mobilized when flushed
with DI water. The mobilized particles were later reattached to some
favorable sites. The attachment efficiency factor was found to reduce
with an increase in flow velocity. However, torque analysis based
on the secondary energy minimum could not explain the observed hydrodynamic
effect on the attachment efficiency factor