Sulfide-Driven Microbial
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Microbial electrosynthesis, the conversion of carbon
dioxide to
organic molecules using electricity, has recently been demonstrated
for acetogenic microorganisms, such as <i>Sporomusa ovata</i>. The energy for reduction of carbon dioxide originates from the
hydrolysis of water on the anode, requiring a sufficiently low potential.
Here we evaluate the use of sulfide as an electron source for microbial
electrosynthesis. Abiotically oxidation of sulfide on the anode yields
two electrons. The oxidation product, elemental sulfur, can be further
oxidized to sulfate by <i>Desulfobulbus propionicus</i>,
generating six additional electrons in the process. The eight electrons
generated from the combined abiotic and biotic steps were used to
reduce carbon dioxide to acetate on a graphite cathode by <i>Sporomusa ovata</i> at a rate of 24.8 mmol/day路m<sup>2</sup>. Using a strain of <i>Desulfuromonas</i> as biocatalyst
on the anode resulted in an acetate production rate of 49.9 mmol/day路m<sup>2</sup>, with a Coulombic efficiency of over 90%. These results demonstrate
that sulfide can serve effectively as an alternative electron donor
for microbial electrosynthesis