Evidence for SERRS Enhancement
in the Spectra of Ruthenium
Dye–Metal Nanoparticle Conjugates
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Metal–molecule interfaces have a high potential
for applications
in various fields of chemistry, as the features and functions of metal
nanostructures can be modified and, to a certain degree, extended
by surface-bound molecules. In this article, the functionalization
of complex colloidal particles, namely, Au nanopeanuts and Au/Pt/Au
nanoraspberries, with the commercially available Ru complexes <b>N719</b>, <b>N749</b>, and <b>Z907</b> is reported;
these Ru complexes have already been applied as photosensitizers in
dye-sensitized solar cells. A detailed investigation of the conjugates
by means of Raman spectroscopy showed that the electronic structures
of the ruthenium complexes are retained upon binding to the metal
nanoparticles. Furthermore, microfluidics as an efficient tool for
the systematic investigations of SER(R)S signal-enhancement dispersion
in colloidal solutions was applied. The enhancement profiles obtained
differed from the extinction spectra of the nanoparticles, indicating
that electronically resonant processes are involved in the Raman signal
enhancement of the investigated nanoparticle conjugates, in addition
to the Raman signal enhancement due to the SERS effect