
Pengembangan media Pembelajaran Multimedia Mata Kuliah Gambar Perspektif


ABSiTRACI: The purpose of this development study is to devetop instructional media of Perspective Drawing subjea. The research method chosen to achieve this goal is by the type of research and development. The subjects were the researchers themselves and students who are taking Perspective Drawing subject in 2008, a total of 37 students. The object of this research is Perspective Drawing materialthat includes concepts of: perspective drawing, perspective drawing points, lines, fields, objecB, doors, and perspective drawing of the sui and lightshade. The experimentwas conducted from Aprilto November2008, atArts Education Study Program, JPBS FKIP UNS. The research procedure includes composing draft of research lessons implementation, instructional media materials, examining media by media experts, and trial on media in the classroom. Based on five basic competency of perspective Drawing subject, there are 9 learning media produced, including media of : (1) perspective drawinl concept, (2) determining the vanishing point, (3) determining the coordinates of points, (4j point perspective drawing, (5) perspective drawing of area, (6) perspective drawing of beam object, (7) perspective drawing of horizontal hinge door, (8) perspective drawing of object shade bysunlight, and (9) perspective drawingof objectshade by tamptight. Keywords: iearning media, perspective drawing, objed

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