Post Fire Resprouting of Banisteriopsis malifolia(Malpighiaceae) and the Role of Extrafloral Nectaries on the Associated Ant Fauna in a Brazilian Savanna
<p>According to the plant vigor hypothesis, herbivores are favored by the growth of rapid resprouting plants, however in plants with extrafloral nec-taries not the herbivores, but rather patrolling ants would be favored. This ant-plant interaction may have a negative impact on herbivore populations,<br>thus benefiting the plant. In this study I showed that the ant community as-sociated with the extrafloral nectary-bearing shrub Banisteriopsis malifolia<br>in Brazilian savanna is composed of six species in four subfamilies and these ants were more abundant in resprouting B. malifoliaindicating a relation of<br>ants with functional extrafloral nectaries. As a consequence the number of herbivores sampled was low, because of the ants’ aggressive behavior. This work provides evidence that the effects of plant vigor are buffered in extrafloral nectary-bearing plants because of the patrolling ants which feed on sugar-rich nectar and protect the plant against invaders.</p>
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