The Synthetic Progestin
Levonorgestrel Is a Potent
Androgen in the Three-Spined Stickleback (<i>Gasterosteus aculeatus</i>)
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The use of progestins has resulted in contamination of
environments and some progestins have in experimental studies been
shown to impair reproduction in fish and amphibians at low ng L<sup>–1</sup> concentrations. The mechanisms underlying their reproductive
toxicity are largely unknown. Some progestins, such as levonorgestrel
(LNG), exert androgenic effects in mammals by activating the androgen
receptor (AR). Male three-spined stickleback (<i>Gasterosteus
aculeatus</i>) kidneys produce spiggin, a gluelike glycoprotein
used in nest building, and its production is directly governed by
androgens. Spiggin is normally absent in females but its production
in female kidneys can be induced by AR agonists. Spiggin serves as
the best known biomarker for androgens in fish. We exposed adult female
sticklebacks to LNG at 5.5, 40, and 358 ng L<sup>–1</sup> for
21 days. Androgenic effects were found at LNG concentrations ≥40
ng L<sup>–1</sup> including induction of spiggin transcription,
kidney hypertrophy, and suppressed liver vitellogenin transcription.
These are the first in vivo quantitative data showing that LNG is
a potent androgen in fish supporting the contention that androgenic
effects of certain progestins contribute to their reproductive toxicity