
Ultrastructural characterization (morphological and topochemical) of wood pulp fibres


Different electron microscopy techniques including SEM (scanning electron microscopy), FE-SEM (field emission-scanning electron microscopy), TEM (transmission electron microscopy) and Immuno-gold TEM (immuno-gold transmission electron microscopy) were applied in order to gain a better understanding of the influence of the native softwood fibre cell wall ultrastructure including morphology and topochemistry (i.e. lignin and glucomannan distribution) during mechanical pulping. In thermomechanical pulp (TMP) processing, wood fibres undergo structural changes (cell wall delamination and fibrillation) that are regulated by the native fibre micro- and ultrastructure. In addition, novel information was obtained on the fibre cell wall architecture. In contrast, the stoneground wood (SGW) process inflicted severe damage to the fibre structure resulting in transverse and longitudinal fibre breakage. However, juvenile wood SGW fibres showed improved properties (strength and light scattering) compared to mature wood. Ultrastructural aspects of fibre processing and development explained the differences in physical properties observed. During the SGW process, the native morphological fibre cell wall ultrastructure and microfibrillar organization governed the manner of juvenile wood fibre development similar to TMP fibres. Ultrastructural studies on Norway spruce and Scots pine TMPs revealed fundamental features that governed the different behaviour exhibited by the two wood species. Specific ultrastructural characteristics of pine TMP fibre cell walls were explored in relation to both morphology and topochemistry and that regulating the different pine fibre development mechanisms compared to spruce. The negative behaviour shown by Scots pine during TMP processing was most likely attributable to the observed fibre development mechanism. Histochemical techniques were applied to study wood resin associated problems during mechanical and kraft pulping. Studies provided information on the spatial micro-morphological distribution/redistribution of lipophilic extractives that were visualized on single fibre and cell wall fractions. Results from histochemical staining and chemical analysis performed on Norway spruce and Scots pine TMPs showed that there were morphological and chemical differences in the redistribution of extractives between the two species. This may further contribute to the effects of extractives on pulp- and paper properties and processing. Localization of lipophilic birch wood extractives involved in pitch problems was performed using histochemical techniques. Correlated information from gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and specific staining methods gave details on how extractives are removed during processing as well as information on the mechanisms of removal

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