
Studies of molecular mechanisms integrating carbon metabolism and growth in plants


Plants use light energy, carbon dioxide and water to produce sugars and other carbohydrates, which serve as stored energy reserves and as building blocks for biosynthetic reactions. Supply of light is variable and plants have evolved means to adjust their growth and development accordingly. An increasing body of evidence suggests that the basic mechanisms for sensing and signaling energy availability in eukaryotes are evolutionary conserved and thus shared between plants, animals and fungi. I have used different experimental approaches that take advantage of findings from other eukaryotes in studying carbon and energy metabolism in plants. In the first part, I developed a novel screening procedure in yeast aimed at isolating cDNAs from other organisms encoding proteins with a possible function in sugar sensing or signaling. The feasibility of the method was confirmed by the cloning of a cDNA from Arabidopsis thaliana encoding a new F-box protein named AtGrh1, which is related to the yeast Grr1 protein that is involved in glucose repression. In the second part of the study, plant homologues of key components in the yeast glucose repression pathway were cloned and characterized in the moss Physcomitrella patens, in which gene function can be studied by gene targeting. We first cloned PpHXK1 which was shown to encode a chloroplast localized hexokinase representing a previously overlooked class of plant hexokinases with an N-terminal chloroplast transit peptide. Significantly, PpHxk1 is the major hexokinase in Physcomitrella, accounting for 80% of the glucose phosphorylating activity. A knockout mutant deleted for PpHXK1 exhibits a complex phenotype affecting growth, development and sensitivities to plant hormones. I also cloned and characterized two closely related Physcomitrella genes, PpSNF1a and PpSNF1b, encoding type 1 Snf1-related kinases. A double knockout mutant for these genes was viable even though it lacks detectable Snf1-like kinase activity. The mutant suffers from pleiotropic phenotypes which may reflect a constitutive high energy growth mode. Significantly, the double mutant requires constant high light and is therefore unable to grow in a normal day/night light cycle. These findings are consistent with the proposed role of the Snf1-related kinases as energy gauges which are needed to recognize and respond to low energy conditions

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