
La Diffusione del genere <i>Alexandrium</i> (Dinophyceae) nelle acque costiere mediterranee è correlata alle attività umane? = Is the spreading of the <i>genus Alexandrium</i> (Dinophyceae) in Mediterranean coastal waters related to human activity?


The spreading of the dinoflagellates Alexandrium spp. in Mediterranean coastal waters, as well as the possible relationships with water trophic status and anthropic influence, were studied in the framework of a recent European project. Extensive monitoring, carried out along the coast of Spain (Catalonia and Balearic Islands), Greece (Aegean regions) and Italy (Sardinia and Sicily), indicated that the major HAB (Harmful Algal Blooms) problems are in the Catalan area which is characterized by the highest nutrient local and marked human intervention along the coast

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