
<i>Civis</i> / <i>civitas</i>: la cittadinanza in Roma antica (dal <i>regnum</i> alla fine dell’Età Repubblicana): termini, concetti, sistema giuridico-religioso


This doctoral thesis is dedicated to the study of civitas Romana, with particular regard to the origins, in the period from regnum to the late Republican age. The first chapter is devoted to the analysis of the legal-religious lexicon that identifies the citizen and the citizenship, with an in depth analysis of the words caput, populus Romanus Quirites, civis and civitas. Finally, I have analyzed the words hostis and peregrinus: used, in the Roman legal terminology, in opposite way to the Roman citizen notion. In the second chapter brings out the main features of Roman citizenship; investigated, especially, in comparison with the founding values of the legal-religious Roman system, such as libertas, jus, religio and ‘alieni’. This analysis has better defined the Roman citizenship, as the institute that combines cives free, connected by the same jus and the same religion, and characterized by flexibility and openness to alienus; aspects, these last two, perfectly explained in the concept of civitas augescens, where the ethnic element, since the Rome foundation, doesn’t had a lot of influence. The third chapter is devoted to analyze in the main techniques of the grant Roman citizenship, whereby civis and civitas have both the power to grant citizenship in Rome

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